Protect your mass-market customers with fuss-free all-inclusive high-grade security solutions on all networks, even on public Wi-Fi
Naročniki vse pogosteje prepoznavajo problematiko, povezano z zasebnostjo in nezadostno zaščito naprav, prek katerih se povezujejo v različna omrežja. Kot telekomunikacijski ponudniki lahko sedaj prvič dosežete strateško prednost in ponudite novo generacijo uveljavljenih in zmogljivih varnostnih rešitev.
Funkcionalnosti rešitev HiAware Shield so izjemno skrbno načrtovane, zato prinašajo odlično uporabniško izkušnjo, ki jo končni uporabniki še posebej cenijo in odobravajo.
Ante Moscatelli
CTO and Co-founder
Ante Moscatelli is a head of development and solution design of HiAware security solutions.
His insightful passion drives innovation for comprehensive yet effortless network-based security experiences tailor-fit designed for various industries and sectors. Moscatelli’s highly applicable background arises from the information technology, crypto, automotive and services industries.
Barbara Puklavec
CEO and Co-founder
Barbara Puklavec cultivates committed team of professionals to deliver innovative cybersecurity solution that help organisation and companies creating flexible and easily adjustable safe digital environments.
Her compelling leadership focuses on our customer’s success working in highly dynamic markets. She’s an accomplished specialist with a decade of experience accumulated from cybersecurity sectors and information technology domain by working for prominent international and regional enterprise.